best filteration???


New Member
i'm going to start my very first reef tank and have not really dealt with saltwater tanks in the past. i have been reading a lot of what everyone has been saying on the board and would like to have a sump/fuge for my tank however i don't think that i have enough experience to pull one off yet. so i was wondering about a good wet/dry filter. do you think i should go that route since i'm new to the hobby? is it worth it to try to set up a sump/fuge on my first try? if going with wet/dry which is the best for a 40 gallon reef? help!!


I wouldn't suggest building a reef till you felt comfotable enough with saltwater. A sump/fuge isn't difficult to build. Try picking up the book "Natural Reef Aquarium"(something like that) by John Tulluck... this site sells it in the Dry Goods Section. A very informative book and goes into great detail on setting up a fuge.


Active Member
I am pretty much all thumbs and I got a used acrylic sump and plumbed it into a rubber maid refugium ..... not that hard ... just remember measure twice - get ready to cut - then measure again -- then cut.
Good luck!!