Best filtration for my first140 gallon

doni o'neal

New Member
I'm building 140 gal. tank this is my first. I will probably start out with fish,live rock and live sand. I will eventually go to reef tank ,but I thought I better see how I do with fishes at first,but I want theequipment upfront so I dont have to re invest.I have been trying to grasp all the different types of filtration devices,but stillfloating above my head some.When I go to the fishy store they always point to the wet dry with a skimmer.But, when Iget in these forums they are always talking about sumps and fuges and people making them homemade,Is that what a wet/dry is basically.I have talked to a guy at lifereef and he builds them and I read good reports.but spendy 950.00.Comnfused on which way to go any help would be appreciated!!!!!