Best Fish To Control Pods


What is your preferred fish to control microfaunae, ie isopods, copepods, etc?
I have a peaceful tank, and would like something that doesn't get too big because I have other plans for my stocking capacity - but the pods are way out of control so I want something to eat them.


Active Member
A six line wrasse or a mandarin, but the mandarin ONLY if you have enough LR to support it, because all it eats is pods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laddy
I believe he said control the pods, not eradicate the pods
Describe your setup.

Good point!


72gal bowfront. Built-in overflow - about 15gal in the sump. About 40 pounds of liverock, but it is finger coral type liverock so very low weight and LOTS of surface area. Stocking is currently:
1 black cucumber (5in)
1 lawnmower blenny (2in)
1 Yellow-tail damsel (1.5in)
3 peppermint shrimp
2 mexican turbo snails (golf-ball sized)
2 zebra snails (golf-ball sized)
20-40 other snails (marble sized)
2 hermit crabs (1in)


Active Member
i wouldnt unless you had a lot more LR. i just got one. i have 90 pounds and will be building a 20 gallon sump/refugium soon.


Sixline wrasse is a great fish!

One of my favorites! This little guy is energetic, has a ton of personality and once comfortable in his new home will entertain for hours. They are tough as nails too. Very attractive, if not often overlooked. But why I don't really know, somehow people miss them I quess.


I agree, they can be a little quarrelsome, but one of the few fish their size that can go toe to toe with damsels and not get bullied.


Had a six line wrasse, was a great fish for eating pods, also ate bristleworms, turbo snails, coral banded shrimp, royal gramma, feather duster colony , tin cans , and who knows what else.
It is a great looking fish with plenty of personality, didn't want to get rid of it, but could not add anything new to the tank. Not trying to steer you away from a six-line, some poeple have success with them, just a heads up that it may become aggressive, ours was behaved in a 36 gallon, when switched to the 90 gallon, it copped an attitude.
We just got a neon dottyback, this week, another potentionally aggessive fish, this one so far is well behaved and searches the LR looking for pods.
good luck


Had a six line wrasse, was a great fish for eating pods, also ate bristleworms, turbo snails, coral banded shrimp, royal gramma, feather duster colony , tin cans , and who knows what else.
Good lawd!

I must have had really good luck. Over the years I have had 4 and never much trouble except the occassional nip and chase. Probably best to add this guy last and give all the other fish a chance to establish.


How about a red Scooter Blenny...they eat pods but will also take froozen mysis aswell....Not as common or aggressive as a 6line wrasse....


Originally Posted by Bret61081
How about a red Scooter Blenny...they eat pods but will also take froozen mysis aswell....Not as common or aggressive as a 6line wrasse....
Would it fight with the lawnmower blenny? I've been told not to mix blennies.


Active Member
what size tank does a sixline need to be comfortable? dont mean to hijack the thread :happyfish


They are fairly small fish, maybe 3 inches tops. But they are very active and spend most of their time cruising in and out of the holes and spaces between the live rock.
I would think the amount of live rock in the tank is as important as the size of the tank itself.
Soooo, ballpark figure. At least 30gal. Just my opinion.