Best food for a lionfish??


I saw the most beautiful red volitan at my lfs that I have EVER laid eyes on. He is in such good health! I have been searching for a lionfish for quite some time and I was thinking about making him a part of my 135...current tankmate would be a zebra eel. The tank has been established for two years and all parameters are excellent. 30 gallon sump, tunze protein skimmer, uv sterilizer. Question for the dietary habits of a lionfish...I know they love live. Over time, I would attempt to wean him from it, but for the time being live is ok. I know it reduces live span and health, but I'm going to attempt frozen in due time. As for type of live food...which is the best possible species to feed. I always hear bad things about feeder fish and I would want the best possible food available, without going overboard. Also, would I feed him approximately 3 times a week or more/less? :)


Well, the guy at the lfs said he would only accept live. He did a demonstration feeding and he sucked down at least six good-sized mollies in a period of about 30 seconds. It was kind of scary actually. The lfs employee made of point of saying that if he poked you, you better go to the hospital quick. What happenned to hot I can honestly say I was a little intimidated by the lion...haha. After doing some reading, however, I realized that the lionfish can be trained. As for his size, we put a ruler up to the edge of the tank when he was close to it. He was easily 7.5 inches at least tip to tail. That may not sound that large...but you just have to see him. You should see his fins...he's impeccable! He truly is amazing! I've been looking for the perfect lion for so long. I'm so pleased I've found him...I hope!! :D


Good for you Misty!!! Aren't they great?!
I just got a red volitans too, about 2 weeks ago and he is now taking frozen silversides that I have soaked in SW vitamins. But I had to trick him to do it! I took a live ghost shrimp, fed it to him, then slipped him a silverside, then another shrimp. He took the silverside before he even knew what happened. Now he's taking them quite well. I only give him a shrimp if I feel sorry for him!
BTW, I keep a small fresh tank to hold the shrimp in, and then I feed them on a SW diet so that they are gut-loaded. Recently read in Tropical Fish Hobbyist, October 2001 edition, under the column "invert insights" by Rob Toonen an article that he wrote about nutritional profiles of FW and SW fish and shrimp. The bottom line is that feeding your lion any FW fish is very bad for him, but feeding him FW shrimp (especially if they have been gut-loaded with a HUFA product) can be a perfectly acceptable diet for your lion until he is weaned off of live food. He still stresses changing over their diets though, with the shrimp as only an occasional treat.
Good luck with your new friend :D