Best food for cleaner shrimp


Active Member
I am going to buy a cleaner shrimp in the next couple of days from my lfs but I was wondering what is the most nutritious food for them. I heard they can eat brine, flake, and pellet but is there anything else that any of you would recommend.

nm reef

Active Member
I have a pair of them and they will munch virtually anything offered...but mine go nuts whenever I feed mysis.


Yep they eat anything, whenever I make a shrimp cocktail I make sure the, well I used to make sure, that the cleaner shrimp got a little to.


Active Member
With all that said I just wanted to add that maybe you may want to consider buying two, if you can. That way they always are mating and that equals extra free food for the tank, just a thought. :)


The real sick thing is watching munch on the young, possibly their own, after they are released. Life on the reef is tough.


Active Member
I would love to get two but I'm not sure I should. Its only a 20gal and I am planning on putting 2 percs in and for sure 1 cleaner shrimp. Possibly down the road adding a blenny... but I think it might be pushing the bioload so...I'm not sure. If I only had the percs would 2 shrimp be fine?



Originally posted by ekclark
The real sick thing is watching munch on the young, possibly their own, after they are released. Life on the reef is tough.



If ur worried about overloading your tank, its more a matter of how much time/ effort and money you want to put into it. If youre going to overstock, be ready to test your water constantly, along with doing water changes weekly. Im running a 26 with 2 percs, a yellow tang, mandarin goby, and planning to do 2 neons, a wrasse, and orange stripe goby, about 16-18 inches of fish... ya, i know, I know, thats a lot for a 26 gal.


Active Member
mine eat anythign...including the dead skin cells on my hand! your shrimp really dont add too much to your bioload so having a pair in a 20 really shouldnt be of much concern!
good luck