best foods


Active Member
Since I have my new Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish eating frozen brineshrimp, what other "frozen" foods should they be offered?
I have tried bloodworms, did not care for that.
Want to make sure it gets the right foods for a long healthy life.


Active Member
ditch the brine it has no nutritional value to sw fish.your lions diet should consist of meaty foods such as squid ,small silverslides, krill, shrimp if hes eating the brine he may even go after mysis shrimps I suggest soaking his foods in garlic extreme and selcon prior to feeding


Active Member
Excuse my ignorance, what are silverslides?
Also I don't want to feed anything live since he is eating frozen foods very well. We have: frozen krill, mysis shrimp, bloodworms, brineshrimp to select from.
The brineshrimp sink easily how does one get the frozen krill to sink?