best lighting for 30 gallon reef


New Member
I have a question about which option would be best for a 30 gallon reef. For the past year and a half I have been maintaining a few softies (kenya tree, mushrooms, star polyps) and even an open brain and a hammer coral under 130 watt pc. No problems with the corals at all. I have decided to up my lighting and was wondering if I wanted to keep sps, lps and clams in my tank - what lighting would be best? Metal halide supplemented with pc? Straight metal halides? high vho lighting or pc? I was thinking a 175 watt metal halide (10,000K) combo with 2 55 watt actinic 03 pc bulbs. I dont want to fry my softies..just want to try and support everything. Please let me know your thought. Thanks...


New Member
Ive been following the hotest lighting system out there right now.

Reef Central has a group of early adopters and posted pictures of there MH vs Solaris hoods. Insane growth rates of hard corals and longer extensions of there soft ones.
Not to mention the added perc of saving them $40-75 a month in electric bills.
Read the detailed product review over at Advanced Aquariust


Active Member
yeah solaris run about $900 to 3 grand. I want one but in reality there is no way in hXXX I can afford it.


My 30gc has Nova T-5, with 460nm Actinic and 10000°K T-5 HO lamps & lunar. I have Xenia, Toadstool, Yellow Figi, and a BTA that are thriving under them.


Active Member
I have the odyessa 175w MH with 2 65w PC blue and I love it. I keep everything except SPS which I keep killing for some odd reason.


Active Member
This post is also over a year old. I am sure this person is no longer looking for a good light fixture for their 30 gallon tank.