Best Looking Angel


which is the best looking saltwatrer Angel fish ? u can post your pixtures to support your case. I'm looking to get one of the large angels next month and cant decide which one to get. I have a 125g now and wil upgrade to a 220 next year.


Active Member
Looks are subjective, and what may be attractive to one, may not to someone else. IMO, if you want a real colorful fish, you can't go wrong with a blue face, emperor, or majestic. Neither are terribly difficult fish, given the right conditions. The majestic stays a bit smaller. I wouldn't personally keep a blue face or emperor in less than a 180, so if the uppgrade is a sure thing, those fish are considerations. A more subtly beautiful fish is the blue ring angel. Also take a look at the scribbled angel. They are pushy once they get older but striking looks. Take into consideration what tankmates you plan to keep.


emporer angels those are cool and colorful their my favorite angels but they get big but would go perfect in a 220 :jumping:


Active Member
I'm a fan of the Golden Angel. Don't have one, just a fan (cost too much for me for one fish this early into the hobby).


what the heck thats all jibarish or how ever you say it :notsure:


Active Member
Hmm thats a good one. Best looking IMO The Regal. below (crappy survival record though), Best looks + survivability, Ive heard Queen Angelfish.


I just got my Queen today! He is 5". I acclimated him for like 4 hours, and just put him in my tank an hour ago. Once I get my lights back on, I will try and snap a pic for you guys. It arrived VERY healthy looking and in a HUGE bag! It was pretty cool. I got mine from SWF by the way.


I personally like the majestic angel. I do not have one but seen it in a lfs. Will get one in time. Not cheap!!!!!!!!!!