Best LR to order?


Looking for opinions on where to find good LR online. saw that several reccomend tbsaltwater, what about aquacon? any others worth a look? seems online stuff is much nicer looking than lfs. thanks


take a look at they are in tampa fl. i read a post that some one bought some from them and they were very happy with there order lots of live stuff like crabs and lots of other stuff. i have a 55gal tank with a cleaner shrimp, a anemone and a yellow tang. along with 5 pounds of figi live rock i am also looking to buy about 30 pounds more so i called this guy and he is very cool he hand picks all of it him self and will over night the rock to you fresh so no need to cure it!! cool huh i can't beleave how cheap he sells it for you can buy 30 pounds with overnight shipping for only $130.00. you have to check this place out for your self i am going to place a order with him next week!!


I also highly recommend <a href="" target="_blank"></a> best I have ever seen. Aquacon has some real bad ratings on the <a href="" target="_blank"></a> boards.


I ordered my LR from, and the shipment will be in Tuesday. I will let you all know how it looks if you're planning on waiting until then to order :)


What type of rock do you order off of GulfView Marine? THere is the coralline rock and then the deco rock. The coralline is 130.00 a box and the deco is 194.00 a box. JUst wondering cause I am also looking to purchase live rock.


I ordered the coralline. The diver told me he went diving yesterday and collected quite a bit, so he said this was a good time to order. I'll keep everyone posted :)


Active Member
how much are you getting, if you are getting alot, then i would get from a couple of different sources, but if you are only getting like 45 lbs, then it would not pay you to get that way, because the s&h would be disasterous
anyhow, a coouple of diferent sources(ie, gulf view(carribean)-fiji-marshall, etc) would give you a different look in aquascaping and a wider assortment of life on the lr


take a look at this site. I have been surfing the net and doing a lot of reading on live rock so i can get some one of these days. this site looks good.


Active Member
i think taht 7 bucks a pound online can be beaten pretty easily, i can do that locally and hand pick my own pieces, sure it does look les alive, but i assure you it isn't , mine tha i got locally had alot fo good stuff on it too, probabbly more than the MO i got, but the colraline was absent at first
try at swf, they are about 4 bucks, with the shipping included, and i have heard alot of good things about their rock too


I ordered from, too. It will arrive on Tuesday. I'm pretty excited because I've heard so many good things about it.