best nano?


hey,im was planning on getting a jbj 12g but now im thinking maybe a 24 will be better.anyway,who makes the best nano for under $400?
Originally Posted by abaralnek
hey,im was planning on getting a jbj 12g but now im thinking maybe a 24 will be better.anyway,who makes the best nano for under $400?
Oceanic Biocube 29 gallon, I have one and love it, My LFS sells them for $279.00
Originally Posted by abaralnek
i was looking at it but my gf wont let me get a 29gallon.she hasnt even said yes to the 24 yet lol..
Just go as big as you can, with the 12 gallon you are very very limited as to what you can do, you are limited with the 29 also but you have so many more options.


Active Member
your letting your gf tell you what to do? get the 29G biocube its set up great right from Oceanic you wont be disappointing. I have there 14G cube and love it. get the 29G and tell her is only a 24 gallon lol.
If you dont mind me asking why is she saying you can't have a 29 gallon, but can have a 24 gallon?
Also, where are you located? My 29 is for sale right now, I upgraded to a 75 reef tank, I am selling the Oceanic Biocube 29, the stand, heater, skimmer, live rock, live sand, and a clownfish for $ 300.00


im letting her tell me what to do because its her apartment and we dont really have the room for even a 24g.and like i said she hasnt said yes to the 24g yet.i like the idea of just going with the 29 and telling her its a 24 lol.i live in mass so the washington drive it out..


Active Member
AHHHHHHHH see that makes more sense... I thought you lived alone or with friends, basically I thought you didn't live with your GF and were still letting her say you couldn't have one lol. find the dimensions of both the 24 and 29 gallon tank, if the 29 gallon is like another inch bigger.... just get it and tell her its the 24 gallon, she will never know unless she goes online and researches the Oceanic size tanks lol


i guess im going to have to go with the 24g. my gf asked me the dimensions of the tank and i ended up telling her the size of the 29g,she looked in a magazine and realized what i was up to.


Active Member
HAHAHAHA argue it for a bit, the 29 is definatly worth it man. its only 5 more gallons... not that big of a deal.


im leaning towards the jbj 24 gallon,its hard to beat the deal with the free stand.although i like the 29 gallon..


Active Member
i went through the same s**t a couple of months ago and asked the same question. I wanted a BioCube 14. Nanonewb and a bunch of others told me to get the 24g.
I'm glad I went with the 24. Especially if your new to Saltwater you will be happy with the extra room and easier to control conditions.
Good luck!


well i went to the local pet smart today to see what they had for tanks.i walked out with a 29 gallon biocube and stand

i wont be able to start setting it up for another week or 2 so excited..


Originally Posted by abaralnek
well i went to the local pet smart today to see what they had for tanks.i walked out with a 29 gallon biocube and stand

i wont be able to start setting it up for another week or 2 so excited..
Whas that an impulse buy? Or your gf was with you? Considering you and her seemed like you were getting the 24g lol
Anyway, I also just got the 29g and it's awesome, I love it. I've read that it's a good nano for beginners. I was trying to decide between this one, a JBJ, a Red Sea or a Marineland. Oceanic Bio-Cube ended up being the best choice so far(from what I've read).
Good luck with your tank!


it was a impulse buy for sure.the stand is built and the tank is sitting on it,she will see it when she gets home.


few questions guys,i was assuming the whole hood was on a hindge?mine isnt am i missing something?also should i go with a koralia 1 or 2?which heater should i use?100watt?