Best Online Supplier for Live Fish & Corals


Just so you know we're not aloud to post links to other sights that can compete with So my guess would be that is the best lol!


Active Member actually does ship very quickly and the transfer your orders quickly, but if you plan on buying anything online, I would only pay in bulk, its cheaper, because you only have to pay one shipping fee.


I just received my swf order yesterday & I was very impressed not only with the quality, how it was packed but how healthy everything is. I was in 7th heaven, critters are doing well & I plan to order from swf again real soon. Can't beat that 15 day guarantee either.


LOcal ifs do not offer any guarantee on salt fish & only some guarantee fresh. It's the pits. I always ask them how long they have had a certain fish in their tank & if it's been less than a couple of weeks or doesn't quite look right they stay there. Even with that I've had a few losses in dealing with local ifs so I prefer swf.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jacklax
My lfs doesn't offer a 15 day guarantee...

i work at the local fish store and they dont offer 1 either. but when they get the fish from the wholesaler they get a week plus. just thought id add that since i work there i know how it works
and sorry forgot to has nice livestock fish wise but for corals they seem to be on the very low end


Maybe you can help us out here, one of the reasons that the LFS might not offer a guarantee and SWF does is that if you are buying from SWF, you probably know something about saltwater fish...
A lot of people to buy from the LFS are newbies and really don’t take the time to research how to properly care for the fish, so I am sure there is a lot more die off in the first 14 days....
Any thoughts?


Does anyone know how often/when offers their "specials"? I've been on the list, but yet to see one.