Best paint for outside of tank?


What is the best type of paint for the outside of the aquarium? I recently set up a quick QT and used spray paint and it had really awful coverage so I thought I would use a roller on my DT but wasn't sure what kind of paint to get? Oil based?
The tank will be empty when I paint it.


I used acrylic paint. I bought blue and white paint and mixed them together till I got a light blue color. Then out came the roller. It worked well.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Why not use colored paper blue and black seem to be the most popular colors and you can change from one to the other in time to get a different look craft shops have large sizes of many colors if you want something else


I used a srpay paint and got bad coverage also, I am going to drill my tank tonightm and then go over it with another layer of paint!!


I have tried the films and they get messed up and then you can't get behind the tank to fix them, I think the same would happen with the paper and it would get wet which is just another problem. As far as the acrylic, that may work but I know it can come off in sheets if it stays wet long as I generally use my glass plates as a pallete when I have worked with it in the past because it does come off of glass so easily.

devil dog

Active Member
I used window tint for one tank that I had and that worked out very well... I just got limo tint and put it on like it was going on a car...