Best Protein Skimmer and Filtration for a 120?


In the future I plan on setting up a non-reef tank of a 120 gallons. I am asking you experts on what would be the best protien skimmer and filtration. Reasonable prices only please, I dont feel like spending over $500 combined. I plan on using live rock in my setup. Any suggestions?


If you are planning on using LR anyways, my suggestion would be to stock the tank with a DSB(5"), 150# LR, and a good skimmer, such as a Berlin H.O. This would be all the filtration you would need. Of course, this would likely put you over the $500 mark, depending on where you got it all from, but then, filtration for a 125 is going to be expensive, no matter which route you take. HTH


Sorry, hehe, forgot some people don't know the acronyms here. You aren't stupid, simply unaccustomed to the slang we use here. Pretty soon, you'll be using them too. lol
DSB=deep sand bed. 5" is referring to how deep the sand would need to be(on average) to get the proper anaerobic conditions needed for the bacteria to reduce nitrates by fixing the nitrate and converting it into nitrogen gas, which bubbles harmlessly out of your tank.


My tank specs are below. All parameters are fine, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 15 nitrate. Don't have much LR, only about 60-65 pounds, but I dont have a heavy fish load also. Only gonna add one more big fish. IMO, the best maintenance is on your part with weekly water changes to keep the tank in shape. Also, stocking your tank plays a part on how much maintenance you need to do or how much you need.