best reef angel?


Active Member
A dwarf of some kind, coral beauty, flame, etc. Coral beauty and flame are the most common I think. I have a coral beauty, never touched a coral.


Id recommend a Lamarcks angel or a Swallowtail.
They wont touch your coral.... with the pygmys you always run a risk... and even so they still end up finding something they like to nip at, and constantly.
i used to have an eibli and a coral beauty... had to move them out since they kept eating all my zoa's. You wont find a pygmy that doesnt like zoas.


Pygmys dont get very big... think the biggest some kind get is 6". Thats why theyre called pygmys, because theyre dwarfs
IMO Bicolors are more likely to nip at corals then some other pygmys.


i have a bicolor and it is my favorite fish in the tank. he has nipped at my xenia but that is it. i have about 8 different corals in my tank and he has never touched anything but the xenia, and when he does it he doesnt even really hit it that hard at all. it just makes the little heads close up for like 5 seconds then back to normal. also... xenia is damn near indestructible so it doesnt bother me too much. beautiful fish with lots of personality.


New Member
my flame hasn't touched my zoo's and came from a showcase reef tank, awsome fish and loves to graze on algea all day.


New Member
speaking of Flame Angels, what would cause mine to commit suicide by jumping out of my tank. My feeling is that at the time I had him, I didn't have enough rock in the tank for adequate hiding spots for everybody.


Active Member
Dwarf Angels always have a 50-50 risk - meaning they may or may not nip your corals. I would believe if you keep your dwarf angels well fed, you won't have problems of them nipping corals.