Best Reef Setup I've Ever Seen


I was browsing in another "unnamed" message board and came across a thread on a guy that has had a reef set up for a little over a year. He posted some awesome pics. Needless to say, the thread has close to 20,000 hits and over 225 replys. A guy other than the reef owner actually made a small website to post this guys reef pics and some of the discussion on it. The address is below. It is well worth a look. This guy has a setup that will make anyone jealous!!! The room he uses for filters, sump, etc.... makes me want to cry! WAAA WAAAAA......I want his setup NOW!
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Wow, I wish I could afford a 500 gallon tank. I think that the things in my 55 gallon tank would look a little small and trivial though!!!!


Active Member
Yes I have read the thread over on Reefcentral. It is a breathtaking setup, and the guy seems very knowledgable and he said it was only up for a year. There are a lot of show pieces in there for only being a year old. I don't think I would invest that much money in show pieces for a young tank like that. But having said that, I am extremely jealous of it !!!!!
:D :p :D


Active Member
What a beautiful reef set up !
Thanks for the link Beecher, I had not seen that before. Very nice indeed !!!
:( his garage looks nicer than my house :(

nm reef

Active Member
I've also seen that thread and I got to is one of the best over all set-ups I've ever seen.
Every time I look at a system like that.....I look at my 55 reef sitting centered on a wall thats 16' long.......and behind that wall is a 16' x 16' indoor shop area that currently holds my 35 gal refugium. Believe me I've begun a detailed plan for future expansion of NM reef..........maybe to NMREEF....... :eek:


This guy live in Portland near me and has a nicer tank than any of the LFS here. he said his Electric Bill was $120 a month from it. What do you all pay for power for your tanks?


Did you see the "garage" side of his tank? Heck, I know the tank is nice, but wow, the guys garage is trimmed out nicer than my living room!


was he talking about 15000 pennies?? I hope so.. but I dont think so.. sheew.. Ill keep my ugly setup with about $500 in it.. :D but that is a nice looking garage..
i'm jealous of the garage :) and definitely a very clean operation. what does he park in the garage? surgical equipment? ;) in all reality, i'd like to have a tank that clean.


That is a fantastic tank I assume the
15 grand does not include livestock.
Looked like at least a thousand in stock.
Also only 125 a month to operate that's
great if accurate. I would expect a unit
that size to be drawing at least twice
the rest of the house. I've estimated at
least 250 in my location.
Oh well I can still go out and look at
the real thing and Ma Nature pays the bill