Best Refugium Macro


New Member
I recently added a refugium to my system and remember seeing a discussion about what type of macro everyone uses. I remember spaghetti getting the most votes but cant remember what else was the best because of the algae going sexual every month. Thanks for the help.
I just set up my fuge also. I thought most people use cleurpa(sp??). I just ordered one of those 3 packs off ----, and I got something called sea lettuce(not sure), some type of red marco algae, and then some cleurpa.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by ciachef
I recently added a refugium to my system and remember seeing a discussion about what type of macro everyone uses. I remember spaghetti getting the most votes but cant remember what else was the best because of the algae going sexual every month. Thanks for the help.

going sexual is normally associated with caulpera. I have also hear the money plant can also. None go sexual every month but can in rare cases due to the enviornment. My kelp like caulpera has not gone sexual in 10 months.
Also the tumble-week like gracilaria makes excellent tang food.
Spaghetti is nice because it can fill the fuge, and is hardy.


New Member
Thanks beaslbob, I am going to go with spaghetti for the fuge and perhaps another type of caulpera.