Best Sand


I'm going to change my small tank from CC to live sand, was wondering if I could get some opinions on the best brand/type


Any that is calcium carbonate based, best would even be what they call ootlic, in other words rounded edges. This can be found in some play sands like Old Castle play sand from the caribbean. Otherwise links are not allowed and if you like you can Google for live sand or even purchase the live sand they have here. Also you can check your LFS for live or even dry sand that may be cheaper. you can cure it yourself by using old tank water.

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Originally Posted by Thomas712
Any that is calcium carbonate based, best would even be what they call ootlic, in other words rounded edges. This can be found in some play sands like Old Castle play sand from the caribbean. Otherwise links are not allowed and if you like you can Google for live sand or even purchase the live sand they have here. Also you can check your LFS for live or even dry sand that may be cheaper. you can cure it yourself by using old tank water.
also try to google aragonite source, aragonite sand, seaflor, etc.