best site to create a homepage?


what is the best free site on the net, in your opinion, to have a personal home page??
least amount of ads and pop ups, and a 3 year old with limited knowledge could easily build it. :notsure:


Active Member
Well in my opinion, no free webistes are worth visiint as I for one hate p op ups or any kind of irritating ads. MOst if not all have lots of restrictions andlots of hoops top jump through and bells to ring, and once traffic gets started on them due to interest, they start blcoking the site off.....
You can get a host domain and server space for relatively little money and be free to do or have what you want. I pay $20 for 150GB of server space and and $15.00 for my own domain name....and have total full control of my website.......There are also cheaper server space providers to be had, and a domain name is not a must have. Whats worong with your current ISP? MOst if not all ISP's provide at leat 10 or more meg of server space for homepages etc..........and there are a lot of free use HTML editors out there that work just fine......I have had webiste space since it was available to the general public, and the best I have found that has true tech support and you can actually talk to a real person 24/7 and keeps its equipment up to date with latest stuff is primehost dot com Check out their available packages and save yourself a lot of headaches with the free website hosts....Its cheaper than you think


i'm on Tmobile wi-fi, so... no free space from them...
i was considering paying, (i loathe ads and pop ups as well), but was giving one last ditch effort to see if there was a good free place out there before i whipped out the plastic.