Best Skimmer for $125


Im looking for a skimmer for a 75G half-reef (i know, what the heck is a half-reef) and would like everyones input on the best available for my price and needs.
O.k- here are the terms.
Budget is $125 +/- $5
Must work in-sump
Pump must be included
Thanks ALL, :


Active Member
I think your kind of limiting yourself with that budget....You might get lucky and find something on the auction site, but that is one piece of equipment I wouldn't skimp on....You will probably have to increase your budget for the skimmer.....I would check out ASM or Aqua C though


Active Member
I've been hearing alot of good things about the Coralife Super Skimmers lately. They are about in that price range and use needle-wheel pumps (ala Euro Reef).


Active Member
a tf1000 new for $125 is perdy hard to find... took me 5 months to find a new tf1000 w/pump.. cost me $130 ...


Dont worry about only having 125 to spend. Excalibur makes excellent skimmers and they are very inexpensive. I spent 100 on mine for my 75 gallon, its an HOB (in sump versions available) and it includes the rio pump as well. THey are venturi skimmers, and made very well. Ive had mine for 7 months and it works wonerfully.