Best skimmer for a 180g reef


Active Member
I am looking into setting up a 180 reef tank. What would be the BEST skimmer for this size tank? What about Berlin skimmers? good or bad. Money is not a problem.


Active Member
I am not an expert in skimmers but if money is not a problem maybe you should try a down draft skimmer.
i have a berlin turbo in my sump. for the money, i don't think you can go wrong. it's always pulling out funk. maybe you should go with the xl model even though the small one is rated for 250 gallon tanks.


I've also heard nothing but good things about the euro-reef units. I intend to get one sometime after this winter.


The best most powerful skimmers are becket skimmers=Bullets,aerofoamers,myreef hsa. The most effiecient but limited would be Euroreefs. IME a becket or euroreef blows any other skimmer out there. well in a decent price range. They make skimmers with wipes= self cleaning large that cost a few k. But I'm talking under $800. Berlin maybe good for under 75g ime. They aren't even in the same class.