Best skimmer for a 75 gal FOWLR


New Member
Sorry for the generic question but I am pretty new at aquariums. I bought a 30 gal last month and caught the bug. I just purchased a used 75 gallon with pretty much everything except a skimmer. I think its running a wet/dry filter right now. I would like to get a skimmer for it soon but not really sure which one to get. I've been looking at the Octopus skimmers and the Turboflotor since they are in my price range and seem to be good performers from what I've been reading. Can anyone offer me some advice or steer me in the right direction to make a decision on what to buy? I do have one more question. What is a recirculating skimmer and how do they work? Is it something I should consider for my setup? TIA


ive got a 65g and have the bh-100 octopus which is a HOB and i love it never had a problem. if you have a sump you can prolly get somthing biggger and everyone i know loves the octopus barnd. only negitive thing i have ever heard is the instructions that come with them are not very helpfull but its easy enough to figure out where stuff goes