Best Skimmer for me??

OK, I am doing tons of research for a new skimmer for my 75 gallon reef. I have a pretty good budget in mind, around $300. My problem is that my sump can only accomodate a footprint of 13"x7.75". What is my best option for this application?
Alot of the Euroreef and Octopus skimmers that I would love to get have a larger footprint. The new Octopus Extreme 160 has a footprint of 8"x10", which I MAY be able to fit if I am lucky and can maneuver it. That is PUSHING it in my estimation. I may have to just give it a shot when they go for sale next week.
Another option I have found is the Octopus NW 110 which has a smaller footprint that will fit. Does anyone have any experiance with this model or know whether it is a good unit or not? This is certainly a possiblity due to its small footprint.


I have the nw 250 and love it. It took a month to breakin but runs like a champ now. For the money you can't go wrong.
Well, I went ahead and got the NW-110 and set it up lastnight. It was rather easy to setup. It is obviously breaking in as we speak because it is only producing minimal bubbles at this time.
As far as the break-in period, how would you guys describe the production of a skimmer duing this time? Does it just take a while for a new skimmer to produce alot of frothy foam? How does a skimmer change after the break in period?


Sorry to hijack your thread. I was wondering since I just setup my nw-110 this past weekend; where should the water level be set at? Mine seems to be working fine as I already have some gunk in the cup.
Originally Posted by tlarkin
Sorry to hijack your thread. I was wondering since I just setup my nw-110 this past weekend; where should the water level be set at? Mine seems to be working fine as I already have some gunk in the cup.
You know I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer your question quite yet as I have only had the NW 110 for a couple of days. I have the bubbles somwhere in the middle of the neck of the narrow part in the collection cup. I've not had any real foam bubble over into the collection cup like I hope/anticipate in the future. I just have microbubbles in the chamber not foam per se.
I hope that someone else with experiance with these skimmers can chime in here. Can we expect a nice foam in the future once the skimmer breaks in?