Best STarfish and urchin


I would like one or two starfish and want color but also daytime activity if possible, I have a FOWLR tank, no coral. some snails, crab and shrimp, I had looked at the Brittle, Knobby, and Sand Sifting Starfish, are these good, are there some better? I also would like a purple urchin, can these go together, Newbie and stocking my tank, no fish yet, getting everytghing else ready. Thanks


Those should all be fine together though I had a Choco Chip star eat an urchin once but for viewing purposes I think the sandsifter and brittle will be dissapointing


Is a choco chip a good one they are really interesting, are they safe with urchins or even anemones?


Originally Posted by revrick3
Is a choco chip a good one they are really interesting, are they safe with urchins or even anemones?
Mine is not safe with either I had a blue eye urchin thta it killed but its spikes were'nt much and it has not got to my pencil or rainbow urchin yet. It aslo tried to eat my condi several times to the point that only the foot was left. Well its in another tank and all the arms have grown back but I would watch out with those stars


I don't know too much about the reefsafeness of stars I would have assumed them all to be good but thatv is not the case. There are alot of colorful starfish but I am pretty sure that they are pretty sensitive. I have a green brittle star which is actually pretty active and Looks great but they call these stars green death because they are known to catch smaller fish so if you have anything to small or defenseless I would say that is out of the questions.
Just give your thread a periodic bump and you should get advice


i would say go with brittle stars or sand sifter stars they're both pretty hardier and help keep the tank clean without eating what you want alive