Best Test Kits


What is your best test kit brand? I have aquarium Pharmaceuticals and I wonder if they are that accurate. And is it true that if all you have is a FOWLR all you need to check is ph, ammonia, nitrite. niterate? Is there such a test kit for KH that gives results as high, low, medium? I still dont get how to figure the KH


Staff member
If you want coraline, you will need to keep calcium levels up and keep track of alk.
Aquarium Pharm is a good product. Selifert is considered a good product as well.


Active Member
For any tank, I would recommend checking pH, kH (alkalinity), ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. If you are trying to get the nice looking colors to grow on your live rock (coraline algae), you will also need to test calcium and magnesium.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals is a good, quick test kit, but you will get your most accurate results with Salifert.