Hey guys ! After reading many threads on this great site, I really want to get a Snowflake eel. My tank is cycling right now,so I guess I'll wait a while. I definitely want to get a small one. I am currently acuascaping my tank,and was thinking of the best way to secure him. I think my best bet is using PVC-? I know they can find a rock and burrow underneath it. But I was thinking it might feel more secure in a PVC.And maybe reduce the chance of jumping. So I was thinking about what size of PVC should i get-? 2in 3in-? I just want to get a big one,so he can grow into it. I was planning on settting it, in the back of my tank with two elbows,so it can have two openings-?
Any advise would be great ! Thanks !
Any advise would be great ! Thanks !