Best way to house a Snowflake-? PVC-? How big-?



Hey guys ! After reading many threads on this great site, I really want to get a Snowflake eel. My tank is cycling right now,so I guess I'll wait a while. I definitely want to get a small one. I am currently acuascaping my tank,and was thinking of the best way to secure him. I think my best bet is using PVC-? I know they can find a rock and burrow underneath it. But I was thinking it might feel more secure in a PVC.And maybe reduce the chance of jumping. So I was thinking about what size of PVC should i get-? 2in 3in-? I just want to get a big one,so he can grow into it. I was planning on settting it, in the back of my tank with two elbows,so it can have two openings-?
Any advise would be great ! Thanks !


Active Member
It really doesn't matter with a SFE. They will go in any size PVC. They will slither through the rocks. They will dig to make more room where necessary. Just aquascape how you want, make sure there is no place to escape and let the eel make itself comfortable.


Ok,great. I just wanted to know how big do they get-? So I can get the right size PCV. Maybe 3in wide-?


Active Member
i have 2 1/2 in about 14 inches long but my eel doesnt bother with it but my lunar wrasse loves it. my eel just works passages and caverns under my rocks so a cup shaped rock sitting on your glass so it doesnt collapse it on itself would be fine