Best way to keep maxima in place?


I bought a 1.5" maxima yesterday, and he keeps shifting and falling around form where ever I place him..
what's the best way to keep him in place?


Depends on where you are placing them.
Then again I can't say much because something in my tank has killed 3 clams in the past 2 weeks. I lost my UCZM this morning.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Cocoacf
I bought a 1.5" maxima yesterday, and he keeps shifting and falling around form where ever I place him..
what's the best way to keep him in place?

Between rocks so the water flow does not dislodge it before it gets a good grip. That means you must spot feed it so it won't starve. I personally won't buy a clam less than 3 inches, it is just too hard. Good luck with it.


Active Member
between rockwork is the best. just make sure it can still open and close. a clam that keeps falling down isnt good. put it in a secure place and just leave it alone.


I agree with the posters above. If it keeps falling, especially at that size, it's going to die.
Anyways, if all else fails, you can use a TINY drop of coral glue, that's what I ended up doing because my monster hermit crab made it fall. If you do resort to using coral glue, make sure it's on the shell and doesn't hit the mantle, the valve, etc.


Originally Posted by Kraylen
Depends on where you are placing them.
Then again I can't say much because something in my tank has killed 3 clams in the past 2 weeks. I lost my UCZM this morning.
A guy on a local club forum by me was having this issue, ended up being a brittle starfish coming out at night and eating them....


Thanks everyone.. I decided to place him on a rock and surround him with sand in the sand bed that way he can't fall until he attaches to it. Then I will be able to wedge the rock where I want it..
How long does it take a maxima juvenile to attach?


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
A guy on a local club forum by me was having this issue, ended up being a brittle starfish coming out at night and eating them....

Makes sense. I keep a black brittle star in my tank to filter out weak fish and liberal inverts in my tank.
My Maxima was blown off it's rock so the foot ripped.. he did fine and then BAM... slimed away. I can only assume its the BBS.


Active Member
I keep my maxima in my sandbed. I had him up in the rocks and he was getting shaded/pale by a plating coral until he jumped off. I had tried to pull him off the rock before but he was attached too tightly. He jumped off on their own -- which they do if they don't like where they are. I have 3 clams -- all 3 rest in my sand bed as I can move them freely as I deem necessary to size constraints or coral shading them out now.