Best Way to Mix Salt


New Member
I have a bag of Instant Ocean. Do I just dump the contents into my tank (no fish, no rock, just sand), and mix it around? Please Help..:confused:


from what i learned around here the best way is to get a rubbermaid tub of some sort and mix it in there. Use a powerhead to stir the water. But definitely not in your tank. My first tank i used a 10 gallon bucket and a ladle


Active Member
I think before you go any further you should perhaps do some serious research via books and sites like this.
If you're unsure how to mix salt it may not be the best of starts to a money consuming hobby.


Active Member
I'm guessing you are still in the early setup stages of your tank? If so, then you can get away with dumping the salt right in your tank. 2 things to take note of though... 1) make sure you add it slowly so you don't get too much salt in the mix; and 2) make sure your water level is lower than you would normally like to keep it. The salt will displace water and cause your level to rise. Also, having it low will give your room to add more water if you should get too much salt added.
In the future, you should mix up the saltwater in a separate container, then add it to your tank.


Staff member
If you have live sand, I'd mix it first outside of the tank, then add. However, if there is nothing "alive" in the tank, then you can certainly do the mixing in tank. Just let the PH's do the mixing once the salt is added.