best way to move a reef tank 30 miles


ok, i am moving from my house into an apt. 30 miles away,,, what are the best ways to do this? what should i expect and all that.. i have a 40 gal tank.. 4" sand bed.... 50+ pounds of live rock,, turbo snails, emerald crabs, rose buble tip anemene, and a long tip.... a frogs pawn coral, gsp, yellow tang, two two clowns, dimond goby. and a pork puffer..... how should i go about making the move, and keeping them happy, i use a eco system filter system....thanks for all the help you bunch of smart people ahead of time....


Active Member
Actually you need to do a search here for "moving".
There is some good reading on the subject, HTH


Active Member
leave the sand in.. put the critters in the bucks.. then with a large rubbermaid containter, put lr. then a few more rubber maids to put the fish,


I don't know how warm it is where your at but I would use Ice chests to keep everything warm. I lost alot of critters on a move due to the stuff getting to cold. And it takes some time to set up the tank to put in the critters and have it up to temp for them. Plus there will be clouding of the new water you add. So you may want to have heater ready to put in the coolers if they have to sit for a day or so. And air supply for fish. I left my sand in the tank and put all my rock in wet news paper. But I was moving a 75 gal. Takes time though...mixing salt and all that stuff.