best way to set up a refugium?


I just bought this off of ---- and want to know some opinions on the most effective things to put in my refugium.
1. Sand or mud? Or even both?
2. Calerpa or chaeto? Or both?
3. Mangroves?
4. Anything else that would be excellent for my system?
Any help would be greatly appreciated

nano reefer

Active Member
mangroves are great for handling nitrate issues. But can get out of hand if not maicured. Chaeto works great. I wouldnt put in mud. Just live sand in Live rock. maybe some cleaners too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bmeeder
What does maircured mean? And how do they get out of hand?
I think he meant "manicured" I think I remember reading that mangroves will suck up magnesium out of the water.
Personally I'd go with a deep sand bed, chaeto, and live rock rubble.

al mc

Active Member
Five reasons for refugiums:
1. Add water volume to your system. Solution to pollution is dilution.
2. Export nitrates out: chaeto/mangroves (do grow tall sometimes while cheato can be 'pruned easily) and/or deep sand bed
3. Safe place to 'grow' your own 'food'...microalgae and copepods
4. Increase surface area for nitryfying bacteria (sand/rock)
5. Keep animals that would not survive in DT (Seahorses, other fragile creatures)
Depending why you are setting up the refugium, pick the best additions to serve that purpose.


I basically want to set it up for all the reason but putting fragile creatures in there.


Active Member
I think they gave them to you:
1. Just use sand, there is still a lot of debate about mud
2. Chaeto - easiest to trim when getting out of hand, I think any true mixture of plantlife will help out.
3. Again you can add, but it is harder to trim
4. I would add some cleanup crew into the ref. just to cleanup and waste that may build up. I would also make sure you are runing some type of filter floss or something to catch large food particles before it enters the fuge area. I would add LR in there too, so LS, LR, chaeto, and some cleanup crew.