Best way to switch tanks?


Active Member
They told me they are going to send me a new tank. (12 gal aquapod) :notsure: So I have to move my LS (20 lbs), LR (10 lbs), I have 2 snails and a blueleg hermit crab. In which order do I move these, and how?


syphon water and sand into the new tank from the old tank then put the rock and critters in i mean it is pretty straight forward, just do it as if you were setting up a new tank, except now you wont have a die off period or a cycle, you could even do a small waterchange to if you wished


I had to do the same thing about 2 weeks ago. I moved everything from my 15 to my 24 nano. I removed all the fish and corals and snails or crabs that you can find and put them in a bucket with water from the tank. I scooped all of thesand out of the tank set that down then added water and the rocks. I let the water settle and arranged the rocks and added the fish and corals after the water looked pretty clear. It took about 2 1/2 hours and everyone seems very happy.