Beth and others-Help...again


Active Member
This hobby can be quite frustrating at times....
As you know my fish have been in hypo for about 2 weeks now. Before I went away on biz for a couple of days, the female scribble had developed a sore on it's side. Upon my return , the sore is now an open sore. It almost appears to be flesh eating away. It's pretty hideous. Male scribble seems fine. In additon one of the clown fish have a white film (brookynella??). Pls give me youe best shot at treatment. I can't post pics or I would. I really want to save these great creatures so your help w/b appreciated.Thanks......


Active Member
did some research and saw pictures of brook. Clown has brook. Am doing the formalin bath - 20 drops per gallon with airation. As far as open sore on scribble have no idea what it is.......
Since it started as potentially ich and is now an open ulcer looking sore, I'm thinkinf it's bacterial and thus will use Furacyn but it is systemic(internal). Is this right? What's the recommended dose? Should I remove him from the 55g and continue hypo in another tank while treating him w/ furacyn. Other fish do not have his symptoms.


Active Member
I know you would like a pic. But as I stated in my post....don't know how. Hopefully I can have my son help me post A PIC....DON'T THINK i HAVE THAT MUCH TIME. hE LOOKS WORST TODAY.....Would like you to help me with some of my questions above.....we need to take our best shot before it's too late.
I have some pictures in a folder on my laptop. How do I get them from the folrder onto this site? I'm a complete novice at this. Now it's saying I need to reduce to 500x500???


Staff member
That is pretty nasty. Did it develop over time or just appear? Is the fish still eating? Is it possible that the fish has been harrassed/bitten by another fish?
What is the water conditions in your QT?


Active Member
I realize we would like all the specific answers but because time is of the essence, I really needed your best guess here. As I stated in my original post it started as a normal sore and developed into an open ulcer type sore in 2-3 days. Not eating anymore and looks worse today. Will probably put out of misery today as it is highly unlikely it will survive.
Still would like your best guess here.


Staff member
It could be a sore from a parasite bite that infested.
Its could a sore from a wound inflicted by a another fish which has now deteriorated into this gapping wound.
It could be cancer.
I experienced a sore similar to that on a Pygmy Angel. It would get better if everything was doing well with the tank environment, then worse if there was any stress of any kind. I never identified what it was so I assumed it was just a cancer which even fish get. After about a year, the fish died.