Beth, anyone please help. ich x 3


Ok I don't know what the hell is going on but I am ready to sell my stuff and give up. I had an ich outbreak that killed all but one fish. So I waited 5 weeks and raised the temp to 86. Then I put a spotted sweetlips in and yep ich again. I qt'ed the flame hawk and sweetlips for 6 weeks (the sweetlips didn't make it). I put the hawk back in the tank and he was great. I got a coral beauty and qt'ed him for 4 weeks and saw no signs of anything. I put him in the main tank and now he has 2 spots of ich on one of his fins. What is going on? I don't know what to do at this point.
Tank is 80g
82 degrees
Ph 8.4
Trates 0
Trites 0
Ammonia 0
Calcium 420
Help please.!


Treat with hyposalinity - it works if you follow the instructions to a T.
I did it once for my 90 gallon display tank and it saved my fishes life.
I am now doing it for my fairly new 120 tank setup that has ick.
I know many people setup QT tanks for treatments. However, I find that to be more stressfull for the fish.
I simply remove the live rock, in escense QT the live rock so you don't kill it. The live sand will die, but it will regrow afterwards - no biggy.
My guinea fowl puffer is about 10 inches and my triger is about 6. I can't see putting such big fish into a qt tank. I think it causes more stress for the fish to move them out of their familiar suroundings than to remove the things you want to preserver and treat them with hypo int he main tank. I won't use copper because you can't get it totally out of the tank if you do use it. So I just use Hypo. Beth taught me well when I encountered the issue when I first got into the hobby. It works and it is the only thing that does work without question. I do the hypo treatment routine in display and watch params carefully. Particularly ph which drops from all the change over to fresh water. My main display tank is at 1.010 and ph of 7.6. The ph is a little low so I added some buffer, I might add an auto drip of it or kalk for a while. But they will ride the hypo for a full 6 weeks. And then the rise back up in salt needs to be done very slowly.
I would start treating with hypo asap, whether it be in your main display or in a qt - but get it going soon cause ick can take down a fish fast.
I wish you the best. Ick is evil. KILL all ich.


I can't hypo my main tank because I have coral and other things in there. I have a qt tank I just don"t know why I am getting ich again? This is making me so mad.


Active Member
Is it still only two spots? Do you have sand in this tank? Was the fish close to the bottom of the tank? Sometimes sand on the fins could appear like ich. This happens with my batfish at times.


It is still only 2 spots and no it's not sand ( I wish ). It stays on no matter whewre he is and has been in the same spot since he got it.


Active Member
Well, he must have been carrying ich then, and it just did not show up in the Qt for you. At this point, you could either re-acclimate him to the QT and hypo him or just ride it out in the display, making sure to keep ideal water quality and a proper diet.


Active Member
No, he can fight it off. You just have to keep in mind that if you do not hypo him, you always have a chance of it coming back if you begin to neglect the water quality, fish, diet, etc.


I hope he didn't carry it in on him. I got him from swf. If he didn't then I'm gonna have to ditch the sand and start over. After waiting 6 weeks it shouldn't be alive right.


I lost half of my fishe to an outbreak of ich. The rest I was able to save by doing water changes and soaking food in garlic. It worked for me!


Tomorrow I am going to get garlic and some different foods ( that I can't afford ) lol. Hopefully he makes it. If it gets any worse he"s going to the qt tank. I just cleaned it out just incase.


Well so far it's getting better I think. I got some garlic and the spots havent spread. The cb was rubbing it's fin on the rock for a little bit and I was about to take him out when he stopped. Now it looks like white blur is all I can describe it as on his fin. The raised things are gone but there are still blurry white marks there. I wish I could get a pic but as soon as the camera comes out he runs for the rock. Other than that no marks on the fire fish or falme hawk and no extra ones on the cb.