Beth, big problem need your help


Ok Beth I am new to corals. In my display I have a yellow tang, 3 perculas, a tomato, bicolor blennie and a yellow watchman. All of the fish have been in there for awhile but I now have noticed I have an ICH outbreak. I lost my hospital tank to a leak...another problem. I do have a 30 gallon I can set up and move the corals as this will be easier than catching the fish. Then I would just do hypo on the display tank but what should I do about the lighting on the 30 gallon as my corals can not go with out. Any suggestions. Or should I just move the Damn fish and get some pvc pipe for them to hide in? It just seems like a lot of fish in a 30 gallon for up to 4 weeks!!! :scared:


Staff member
Well, the corals obviously can not do without the lighting, so I don't see that you have much of a choice. Your makeshift QT is going to give you a heck of time with cycle. You will need to really be on top of it. Move over severals cups of sand from your display and as much water as you can safely use.
Unless you know someone who can keep your corals??


Check with your LFS to see if you can have 40 gallons of their water during a water change. Then slowly acclimate the fish so you don't cause additional stress. From tehn on treat with whatever is needed. Copper, hypo, FW dip, whatever seems to work. BTW only use FW dip as a very last resort. Tricky to pull of and the stress on the fish definatel isn't good. Just my opinion.


well I moved the fish to the 30 gal...damn that is gonna be a job keeping up. I took 3 pieces of LR and a little of my sand as I didn't want to stir up the subtrate in the display to much. I was just not prepared for this...this time anyway. I have no idea what sparked the ICH.
Thanks for the help. :mad: