beth help please clown with pop eye


Active Member
I hope you can help.I've read you thread about disease and treatment.I believe this just started cause it not to bad.I have done a water test every thing comes in good execpt my ph is 8.0 which I dont think is a problem.i just did a 35 gal water change the other day.Everybody else in the tank looks good.I have a few inverts and corals in the tank(120 gal).heres what id like to do.
I was thinking of taking my maroon clown out and putting him in my 10 gal QT. Th eonly problem is that if i have to medicate I have a firefish in there which i wanted to put in the main tank but every body picked on him also i have found a limpet in my main tank awhile ago and found they were no good for corals and inverts so i put him in my QT also is there a problem medicating them too.Id rather stay with non medicin route but if i have to i will.
Is there anything else I can do for my maroon clown
TIA misfit


Give the water change time to do its thing. I would even say get another 30 or 35 gallon water change ready and do it again. This will help insure that if there was anything wrong with the water enviroment that these water changes will correct it.
Continue to watch the condition of the popeye for signs of healing or getting worse.
Your pH isn't that bad as long as its stable, when you do those water changes aerate the water as it mixes for at least 24 hours. Are you using a protien skimmer?
Can you determine the cause of the popeye, could it have been fighting or damage caused by running into anything? This isn't a contagous disease just a condition.
Is it one eye or both eyes?
Keep me posted.


Active Member
thomas712 thanks for the reply
Right now its only one eye and its only a little bit popped out, he seems ok swimming real good and staying in his RTBA and condi like always.About 3 days ago since its been getting warm here my tank went up to about 86 degees only one day and dont really know how long it stayed like that I got home from work about 5 and found it and did something about it and its usualy at 77-80 with the halides i rigged up a fan to blow acroos the water and now its pretty much staying about 76-78.could that have caused the problem.
When i first started this hobbie about a year and a half ago i had a blue devil get it bad, i medicated the QT and after like 2 weeks it went away he lost his eye but now hes doing real well a year later.
So ya think leave him in and see what happens.Im in the middle of making water so like sunday ill do a water change.Is that too long of a wait.Im gonna try the garlic juice food deal and hopefully i can spot feed him and all the other pigs wont take it on him.
And yes im running a portein skimmer.Ill try to post a pic.


Sounds fine so far, do the water change on sunday. I'm not really sure that the heat would have had anything to do with it.
Does the eye appear cloudy at all?


Active Member
the eye does not seem to be cloudy and this morning its still puffed out but dosent seem to be as bad yestarday


Good! then I would go ahead with the second water change, it seems to be working.
Not having to use meds is a good thing and less stress on everyone. :jumping: