BETH How Long Do I Have ?!?


Active Member
yes the inevitable has happened. my royal gramma has ich. which means my 125 DT has ich running all through it.i currently have a 55 that is empty. i could possible use this as a bigger QT. i have a 20L as a QT right now. not big enough i know. i have 200 lbs of live rock. i have about two totes, dont think all the live rock will fit.
also i am leaving this wednesday 11/22 for thanksgiving until that friday.(black friday). i antisipate some fish loss. i dont know what to do. i have alot of money that is about to get flushed.
im sorry for the negativity but all was good. now nothing but trouble coming.
is live rock ok in a tote for 4 to 6 weeks. also if moving the fish doing a hypo on them then returning them to the tank. wont that cause enough stress for the ich to return.
dont know what to do, thats alot of work and have no idea on how to start. the 55 i dont think can be set up cause of the cycling thing. dont know dont know dont know.
i feel im screwed. mad money in fish gone!!!!!!mad inverts too.
125 hermits
125 snails
and where do i put the anemone. cause i know that a QT is not enough lighting. dont know dont know dont know
can i just take the live rock and inverts and put them into the 55. never mind no water no cycle. hahahahahaha the jokes on me!!!!!!!!!
THE GREAT PLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:help: :notsure:


Active Member
your inverts wont get affected by ick, so you technicall can put your water from your display tank into your 55 gallon, put whatever you can into it, live rock, inverts, etc, then start hypo in the display tank. you're also though, much better off posting this in the disease forum.


Active Member
why does the live rock have to come out of the tank,and what about the anemone, and u think that 200 lbs of live rock can fit into the 55


inverts will not be affected by ick. and 2 weeks with out fish in the tank will kill off any ick. so really all you have to do is transfer the fish. you can also try some reef safe parasite meds. there is a good one but the name escapes me at the moment im sure someone else knows.


Active Member
Originally Posted by durgeonman
2 weeks with out fish in the tank will kill off any ick.
Negative. The tank needs to be fishless for about 6 weeks to kill any and all ich.
You can also try some reef safe parasite meds. there is a good one but the name escapes me at the moment im sure someone else knows.
I would veto that as well. Most of those products are just junk. Nothing will be nearly as effective as hyposalinity.


Active Member
If it were me, I would begin loading the live rock and inverts into the 55 and the totes, and leave all the fish in the display. I would also begin loading the display with some type of biological media, such as bioballs or ceramic rings (if you do not have any in there now), in order to keep the tank from cycling once you remove all the rock.
The only problem is you going away. I would actually leave everything go until you get back. How bad is the ich? You really should not have any fish loss if you begin the hypo process on Friday.
For now, I would begin preparing everything for Friday. Make sure you have freshwater ready. Have your pH and kH test kits ready. Have your pH/kH buffer ready. Have your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate test kits ready. Have your refractometer close to hand so that you can get accurate SG readings. Make sure the fish are well fed before you leave on Wednesday. Also be sure to have your lights on a timer (in case you do not already).


Active Member
can the liverock,hermits,snails,shrimp,and anemone go in a big tote with water, heater, powerhead,and to lights on top of it work, will they stay there for the whole 6 weeks to. and what about feeding them in the tote. i also have a 20L QT. should i put the inverts in there instead and the rock in the tote. with will mean the fish will stay in the DT and be hypoed right. good thing i bought a refractometer this week. sh*t!LOL and will the fish be alright in the tank with out real hidding places. thanks for the help so far. i really need all i can and am hoping lion crazz stays with this for me. hint. i have seen many that you comunicated with and i believe you can help very much. kudos to you my friend


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
can the liverock,hermits,snails,shrimp,and anemone go in a big tote with water, heater, powerhead,and to lights on top of it work, will they stay there for the whole 6
weeks to.
That should be fine as long as it is not too cramped or tight.
and what about feeding them in the tote.
Feed them as if they were in the tank. The only thing I would be worried about is the anemone. Everything else should be fine. What type of anemone is it and how large is it?
i also have a 20L QT. should i put the inverts in there instead and the rock in the tote.
I would just put everything in the tote. That way, at least you know the inverts will not go hungry.
good thing i bought a refractometer this week.
A very good thing!
will the fish be alright in the tank with out real hidding places.
I would throw some fake stuff in there just to make them feel comfortable. Whatever you have laying around will be fine.
thanks for the help so far. i really need all i can and am hoping lion crazz stays with this for me. hint. i have seen many that you comunicated with and i believe you can help very much. kudos to you my friend
I will be here as long as you need me. :happyfish


Active Member
the anemone is a long tenticale and is about 5.5" wide maybe bigger.and also just for my brain, how can fish live in low salinity like that??


Active Member
I know fish can go 8 weeks at a specific gravity that low, but I would put money on them being able to do 12 weeks as well.
I am not sure if I would risk putting the anemone in the tote. Do you have any reef keeping friends nearby that can hold the anemone for you until you are done hypo? The reason I say this is because you DEFINITELY do not want the anemone dying on you in the tote. That will create quite the die off in your tote, and will probably wind up killing nearly all the inverts.


Active Member
i have one friend that has a salt water tank and there is now way the anemone will survive under the much lesser light.


Active Member
another question i currently do not have a RO/DI unit. i go to my LFS and get water. how much water will i need to achieve the 1.009. my tank is 125 gallons. thank you, you are being very help full. i was gonna use stop parisite then i realized i know what has to be done. just dredding it! LOL


Active Member
I would have at least 40-60 gallons of RO/DI water ready to use to bring your SG down to 1.009. The more the better, just so you are prepared.
I am glad that I could help. Please continue posting any questions you may have.


Active Member
another random question, when using fresh garlic in a food processor. what do you actually do with the minced garlic, kinda confused on the process. should i get all the water at the same time or no. and genarelly speaking how much do you pay for your water if you get water. probably not though considering your one of the moderators. put just asking.


Active Member
haha sorry just thinking while i got someone who is really knowledgeable. my pH is a little low at 8.0. i use KENT MARINE pH buffer and it didnt seem to work very much. i used a SALTWATER MASTER Liqui Test Kit. also my calcium is alittle high also around 460-480. i use a NUTRAFIN Calcium test. just babaling sorry. all other levels are fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
another random question, when using fresh garlic in a food processor. what do you actually do with the minced garlic, kinda confused on the process. should i get all the water at the same time or no. and genarelly speaking how much do you pay for your water if you get water. probably not though considering your one of the moderators. put just asking.
When I used to buy water, I was getting it for either .35 or .50, depending on what store I went to.
When using fresh garlic, here is what I do: Snap a single glove off of the bud. Peel off the skin. Using a non-porous container, such as a glass or Pyrex dish, and a sharp knife, mince and smash the glove, preserving the juice. Once finely minced and smashed, and the juices have been released from the garlic, quickly add meaty foods, such as fresh homemade fish food, or high-quality frozen fish foods. Lightly mix the food in with the garlic so that the food is saturated, but not swimming in garlic juice. Cover your container, and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 5 mins.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
haha sorry just thinking while i got someone who is really knowledgeable. my pH is a little low at 8.0. i use KENT MARINE pH buffer and it didnt seem to work very much. i used a SALTWATER MASTER Liqui Test Kit. also my calcium is alittle high also around 460-480. i use a NUTRAFIN Calcium test. just babaling sorry. all other levels are fine.
Yes, the calcium is a little high, but not too high. Your pH is a littlow low, but again, not too low. It is actually okay at 8.0. Do you test for alkalinity?


Active Member
just ordered the alkalinity test last friday. should be here soon. what should the reading be.
do you defrost the frozen food first then add the minced smashed garlic to it.
i was taking a cube of frozen with very little tank water. when thawed out. i put garlic in the food processor. when minced i put all the garlic meat in a cheese cloth and rang it out. anything small enough would come through and the garlic juice would blend with the thawed food. i would let it sit for ten minutes or so while stirring it up.
with the kent marine buffer. when i used it. it did not rise. what should i do about this. and what should i do about the calcium.? thanx


Active Member
What test kit did you buy for alkalinity? Who makes it?
I always defrost frozen food in tank water and then add the garlic juice for the juice to soak into the foods. What you are doing actually does not sound bad though.