Hi Beth,
Thanks for your reply.
My feelings are this: The main tank has been fishless since 22nd May, i only ever saw one spot on the clown so it wasnt particularly on epidemic proportions yet, the RG has been in qt since 13th May, and I have a cleaner shrimp (for what its worth!) in the main tank.
After talking to some people, I feel that the odds are in my favour and this is the best thing. Hmmmmm I think it depends on what you mean by FW Dipping not working; of course it will not remove the ich in the water granted, but it will remove the parasite from the fish itself. I now have to hope it has gone from the display tank.
Another part reason is as you know, there was slight ammonia in the QT. I need to sort that out, I was thinking of starting again with a new cycle and RO/DI water, what do you think? I also think I had inadequate biological filters. Could you advise on that?
Yes they use copper here to cure Ich, im doing some reading on it, what are your thoughts on it?
I just want to re-itterate that I acknowledge that Hypo is the best method, and If I thought I could use it effectively and proficiently I would, but I feel that with the equipment I have (and short of spending $150 for refractometer), it simply isnt practicable. As you will may notice in other threads, I continue to recommend it to people with refractometers as the biological reasoning for it speaks for itself.
By the way, not to cause any arguments (!), but what are your thoughts on FW Dipping all new fish? Once no ich has been established in the tank, surely then by FW Dipping (which will remove Ich from the fish), none will be introduced?
Your thoughts would be appreciated, thanks for your time and help again,