Beth. Ick question



Iv got a yellow tang by himself in a 55. He has been in there for over 3 weeks now and he is just now getting ick for some reason. Why? There is no other fish in there. Also I did have an ick break out about 4 months ago but the tank has been hostless for 2 months. Then I added him to it. Did it get ick from when I had the break out or do they just all carry ick? Where did it come from?


Staff member
Where was the fish before he went into this tank? You say he's only been in there 3 wks...


He went into a QT tank for about a week. Ate well and was very active. He still is. I have acclimating now to the QT tank. He is not bad at all just 2 little spots on back fin. But he is acclimating now to the QT tank for hypo.


Staff member
Ok, good. Seems like you're on the right track then. I have some chromis that I just took out of QT tonite after hypo.


Yea im just trying to figure if the ick came from the fish that had it in the store or if he got it when I had an out break in my main tank. Hostless tank for 2 months I think it may have just come from the store. Hes already doing much better.


New Member
Can you tell me what you treated you tang with. I have a 55 G tank and my tang has ick as well. I have been treating him with organi-cure. I don't have a Q tank but he is the only fish I have so far. How long will it take for my tank to be safe after he is clear?


Well. I have a QT tank that he is in. Im doing hyposalinity. (acclimate the fish to a low salinity level of 1.009) He will be in there for about 3 weeks or so. But this can only be done in a fish only tank. Hyposalinity will kill off inverts, corals and live rock or live sand. I have never heard of organi-cure. Hypo in my opinion is the best but if you doing a fish only and will never go reef then a copper base should work better than organi-cure. IMO But I would go hypo. Ick can not survive in a tank without a host (fish) for more than Id say 2-3 months but ick can alway be in your tank regardless just in a dormat stage.


New Member
I appreciate your response. Organi-cure is copper 1.25% and formaldehyde 17%. The only help I have had is the guy at the fish store. He says I should treat with that. I'm not sure I know enough to do the Hypo. This is a lot more complicated than I thought. I just tested and the following were my results.
temp 77
salt 1.025
Ph 8.2
Am 1.0
Nitrite .50
Nitrate 40
I syphoned off 5 G from the bottom and stirred things up, don't know if that changes the readings. I noticed you are from West Texas. I used to live in Uvalde. I miss Texas. Now in W. Virginia.


Cupremine from seachem works great. What size of tank and how many fish do you have?