BETH!! My yellow tang won't eat???


I have had my yellow tang for about 6 months or so. At first he was a pig and ate about everything that went into the tank. However, in the last 2-3 weeks his appetite has gone down gradually to nothing. He won't even try to eat now. He is breathing fast and this morning he had red lips and red lines on his face. He had HLLE in the past but I changed his diet to more veggies and got a voltage grounding probe and I thought that was finished. Anyway, my tank is a 65 gallon with about 100lbs of lr. I also have a 20g fuge with 2-3 inch sand base and cheato. I have a mandarin and a maroon clownfish. I also have inverts (peppermint shrimp, serpant star, crabs, snails...). I recently, in the last 2 months added polyps and ricordia as well. I just tested the tank yesterday and Ammonia, Nitrites and nitrates are all at 0. Calcium is at 400, ph is a little over 8, and alk is at 8.
Any ideas about what is wrong with the tang and how I could help him? Thanks, Phil.


Active Member
Im not beth, buy my yellow tang wnet through 2 different types of aglea stripes before she found a type sh ate.


Active Member
Put her in a qt tank and she if she gets better. Sometimes they need to be away from the tank. Ill leave the rest up to beth


Staff member
Sounds like the fish may have a bacterial infection. You can't really treat this in your display. Try to do a large water change using aged water. If this does not do the job, then the fish willl need to be treated in a QT.


Usually these posts end with bad news. However, I have some good news. After 5 days of treating my Tang with Maracine 2 I placed it back in the display tank last night and he is eating like the pig he always was as of 15 minutes ago.!!!!:happy:


Staff member
Well, you did the correct treatment! Maracyn 2 is the right treatment. I didn't know you had a QT as you can not use antibiotics in the display.
Good news! Now, soak your fish food [frozen or fresh foods] in fresh minced garlic, then offer it to the fish for about a month.