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I spent most of the day yesterday in the San Jose area visiting some wholesalers. I was more impressed than with the wholesalers in the LA area. At one of the wholesalers his fish looked realativly healthy. I managed to pin down the manager for a while, and talk about his acclimation procedure. I thought it was interesting. When the fish arrive he said they inject nitrogen into the water. By doing this he says that it lowers the PH, and the fish will start to go to sleep. Then they will start to lower the salinity, and acclimate the fish down to a salinity level of 1.017. Then they xfer the fish into a holding area for a couple of days, before they will ship them out. I would say that after looking over most of their tanks, that they had really healthy looking fish, unlike the wholesalers I visited in the LA area. My freind picked out several fish to be shipped to his store, and they arrived this morning, and they where all alive on arrival, and didn't looked to stressed.