beth please help


Active Member
i have a foxface in my main tank and it has like two black spots on it looks like it could be black ich, should i take it out and do the drip method from my QT, with the sohal in it and leave it in hypo for another 3-4 weeks, or do i need to qt all of my fish. I have 2 green chromis, 1 maroon clown, the foxface, and about a 5 inch bluespotted goby, would that be to much of a bioload for my 30gal qt with an emperor 280 biowheel, please give me some tips on what to do, also i have read that black ich can be takin care of by cleaner shrimp, should i trust that.
thanks, alot


Staff member
Why did you QT one fish? Sorry if you posted on this recently, but I couldn't find it, if you did.
Do you have an ich problem? Added new fish recently? Can you get a pic up on the puffer and the spots?
You can't do a drip for acclimation to a hypo tank. Too big a change too fast. If it is black ick, the treatment is formalin bathes, which you can do wo QTing a fish. Read the post on formalin bathes in the FAQ Thread....however, lets be sure that black ick is the problem.
Cleaner shrimp isn't really reliable.


Active Member
i qt'd the sohal because i just got him from and i already had the foxface in my tank (i didnt QT stupidly that will be the last time i dont) i have a 10 gallon i could set up with a 280 biowheel too with water from my main tank. I dont have a puffer. also my bluspot goby has a clearish white covered eye (the left one only) looks like he got poked or something, could i use amoxil on him after the foxface in the 10 gallon.
i am havin alot of problems lately do you agree. sux bad


Active Member
if it did have white ich would there be alot of spots or could there only be one (might be a piece sand)should i get him out now