Beth, QT question


I placed all of my fish (4 fish) in my QT so that I could perform hyposalinity. Well, my water reading went off again, I guess because I placed then in all at once. My nitrite especially is very high. My Question is should I just do water changes each day for the next four weeks or is there a better solution? If I do the water changes, how much should I do each day on a 20 gallon tank?


Yes, I do have live sand in my display tank now. I use to have CC before I switch to LS. I switch to ls right after I placed the fish in the QT. I placed a cup of the CC in the QT. Should I still place a cup of LS in there too? I will continue to do the water changes.


Actually the morning before I posted, I pulled an old filter out of my QT and replaced it with a filter out of my big tank and it fixed the my nitrite problem before I got home from work.