BETH - QT verification


Beth -
I read your sticky on the set up of the QT. I now understand that having substrate is a no no - in case I need to medicate. I'm going to remove my substrate and toss it. (The LFS guy sold my hubby a bag for the hospital and I set it up with it :nope: )
I've had the tank running for one week. Will I need to reseed with more of the substrate from my display? Also, If I do, will I need to get that out after the tank has cycled completely?(So that it doesn't affect meds.):confused:
PS - I currently have no fish in the QT, or need to use it yet. I was just purchasing for peace of mind.
BTW - I'm covering the outside of the bottom in black felt. Thanks for the great sticky!


Does anybody know if I need to take out the seeding substrate once the tank has cycled?


Staff member
jrpage, glad to hear that you got a QT up. You won't regret it. Even if fish get seriously sick and die in QT, you will be containing the problem to a single fish, not your whole tank.
I commonly used a bit of sand from my display. No keep it, it adds cover space for nitrifying bacteria.