Beth, question again.


Active Member
I really don't understand why you keep closing my threads, and i feel I may be kicked off, which I hope I'm not because I really like it here and have learned a lot, especially from you. But it would be nice if I could responde to your replies without having a door closed on me. I am in no way trying to argue at all, but I HAVE emailed SWF but have yet to hear from them. I was hoping maybe you or someone else who has ordered less than $79 would be able to help me out. (Especially since you said we could.) Maybe I missed something and it was as simple as clicking on a button I missed, or something like that. As far as paying $20 for a fish and $50 for shipping might not sound reasonable to you, but that should be the buyers decision and Scout has a great reason as to why that might be necessary. As you have stated though, looks like things have changed and we will have to go somewhere else to get our fish, which is fine, I'm ok with that.
I would email you directly to ask these questions, as I'm not trying to start an arguement in anyway, but we are not allowed to do that on this site, so this is the only way I know how to ask questions. I promise not to start anymore threads on this topic as I don't want to anger the mods and be kicked off. I hope I havn't crossed the line and I'm just trying to find out information. I'm in good spirites
and I'm not angry. I'm just a newbie trying to understand and do right by my new reef tank.
Thanks to you for everything you do.
Signing off........


Active Member
You are not getting banned for asking a question.
I believe Beth closed your last thread because someone posted a website where you can order saltwater fish from, and usually, there are tons of people who chime in saying, "Go here" or "go to this website". For this reason, we usually cut these posts off at the base before they turn into that. No matter how many times we say it, someone will still post a link to another website - usually because they are not aware of the rules (which is fine) - but sometimes just to be defiant of the rules.
You used to be able to order whatever you wanted from this website without a minimum order. That is no longer a possibility anymore.
As I have said many times in the past, members are more than welcome to email me at if they ever have a question or concern that they need help with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
You used to be able to order whatever you wanted from this website without a minimum order. That is no longer a possibility anymore.
this is because of gas prices correct? i see alot of sites/ companies doing this, they want a good reason to go out, some sites the minimal order is $100, so az, if ur irriatated or anything similar just think, there r sites charging $20+shipping, its basically like buying here w/o the $30-40 added for shipping


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
As I have said many times in the past, members are more than welcome to email me at if they ever have a question or concern that they need help with.

Thanks, I will save your email address and be sure to send you a private message if I have anymore questions that are not appropriate to ask on the message board. Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
this is because of gas prices correct? i see alot of sites/ companies doing this, they want a good reason to go out, some sites the minimal order is $100, so az, if ur irriatated or anything similar just think, there r sites charging $20+shipping, its basically like buying here w/o the $30-40 added for shipping
I'm not irritated.
Was just asking a question that got out of hand.


Active Member
Since you have a reef tank, couldn't you use some shrooms, or something? Seems like i can always use some snails or hermits, can't you? I mean if you are willing to spend 15.00 plus shipping,(probably would be close to what you would spend for a fish to be shipped) why not meet the requirements and get something that would be sorta free??? I am not getting your questions at all. No matter where you go online, there is a shipping fee and you would have to spend a whole lot more on those sites to meet their free shipping requirements. I don't know i guess i am confused to why you are so upset they won't let you buy a 15.00 then charge you a whopping shipping fee????


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Since you have a reef tank, couldn't you use some shrooms, or something? Seems like i can always use some snails or hermits, can't you? I mean if you are willing to spend 15.00 plus shipping,(probably would be close to what you would spend for a fish to be shipped) why not meet the requirements and get something that would be sorta free??? I am not getting your questions at all. No matter where you go online, there is a shipping fee and you would have to spend a whole lot more on those sites to meet their free shipping requirements. I don't know i guess i am confused to why you are so upset they won't let you buy a 15.00 then charge you a whopping shipping fee????
I'm not upset.
Not sure how many times I have to say that, but I guess some people need some more reassuring. I'm actually starting to laugh at this and how people are really blowing this out of proportion. :hilarious Sure, I need all those items you listed and if I had a larger QT I might be able to manage it. But my QT is 10 gallons and I will QT everything for three to four weeks before putting it into my DT (fish first, then coral). Call it overkill, but I want to do whatever I can to be sure I don't add any disease or parasites to my DT. No problems though, I have a lfs that I will get all my "live" orders from.

afishgal, OUT!


just wanted to say sorry for the post i made, i didnt know i couldnt do that, i was just trying to help some other people.
just wanted to say sorry again and it wont happen again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghola5
just wanted to say sorry for the post i made, i didnt know i couldnt do that, i was just trying to help some other people.
just wanted to say sorry again and it wont happen again.
Don't worry about it at all. :happyfish It happens all of the time, and that is why I added that most people are not aware of the rules, which is okay that they do it for the first time then.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Call it overkill, but I want to do whatever I can to be sure I don't add any disease or parasites to my DT. No problems though, I have a lfs that I will get all my "live" orders from.

afishgal, OUT!
I do not call it overkill at all. Quarantining animals is called "responsible". :joy


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I'm not upset.
Not sure how many times I have to say that, but I guess some people need some more reassuring. I'm actually starting to laugh at this and how people are really blowing this out of proportion. :hilarious Sure, I need all those items you listed and if I had a larger QT I might be able to manage it. But my QT is 10 gallons and I will QT everything for three to four weeks before putting it into my DT (fish first, then coral). Call it overkill, but I want to do whatever I can to be sure I don't add any disease or parasites to my DT. No problems though, I have a lfs that I will get all my "live" orders from.

afishgal, OUT!
You could dip your corals to get rid of any parasites. My QT doesn't have the right lighting to support corals for that long, does yours??? All other inverts could go in the QT with your one fish. Not trying to argue, but there are solutions.


Active Member
For a 10 gallon QT, you could buy a very good power compact light for $20 that will support the corals for at least 4 weeks of quarantine. A dip will not kill ich that might be on the coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
For a 10 gallon QT, you could buy a very good power compact light for $20 that will support the corals for at least 4 weeks of quarantine. A dip will not kill ich that might be on the coral.
Even SPS?


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
You could dip your corals to get rid of any parasites. My QT doesn't have the right lighting to support corals for that long, does yours??? All other inverts could go in the QT with your one fish. Not trying to argue, but there are solutions.
MY QT does have the right lighting, not for clams or enemones, but soft coral. Plus, after my clowns showed signs of ich after 2 1/2 weeks in QT I've decided to hypo all my fish, which means lowering the salinity to 1.009 and I can't stick inverts with that low of a salinity. So fish have to be done alone. I figure they are going to be in QT for 3-4 weeks anyway, so instead of doing 2 weeks and then another 3-4 after I find ich, I'll just hypo right away, that way they are only in QT for one month.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
MY QT does have the right lighting, not for clams or enemones, but soft coral. Plus, after my clowns showed signs of ich after 2 1/2 weeks in QT I've decided to hypo all my fish, which means lowering the salinity to 1.009 and I can't stick inverts with that low of a salinity. So fish have to be done alone. I figure they are going to be in QT for 3-4 weeks anyway, so instead of doing 2 weeks and then another 3-4 after I find ich, I'll just hypo right away, that way they are only in QT for one month.

I guess since in all my yrs of SW (over 20, and showing my age here
) and only having ich from other reasons other then being introduced by new fish or corals, its hard for me to agree with your methods. I guess you have to have been in your shoes to understand.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
MY QT does have the right lighting, not for clams or enemones, but soft coral. Plus, after my clowns showed signs of ich after 2 1/2 weeks in QT I've decided to hypo all my fish, which means lowering the salinity to 1.009 and I can't stick inverts with that low of a salinity. So fish have to be done alone. I figure they are going to be in QT for 3-4 weeks anyway, so instead of doing 2 weeks and then another 3-4 after I find ich, I'll just hypo right away, that way they are only in QT for one month.

You do not have to hypo all fish. Do not add any meds to your qt or it will be unsafe for inverts. QT EVERYTHING, think of your display as a sterile environment. You work so hard to keep it disease free, do you realy want to risk anything? Think of the consequences. Trust me, your QT tank will become your new best friend. The last fish I got came from a personal friend's store. I saw the fish grab all food he could, the fish he was in with looked excellent. No disrespect to my friend, (I think he would have thought less of me if I didn't) I kept him in QT for well over a month and he never showed one single spot of anything or any signs of stress. I also don't have one parasite in my DT! Please be cautious and preserve your beautiful DT by quarantining all new purchases!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You do not have to hypo all fish. Do not add any meds to your qt or it will be unsafe for inverts. QT EVERYTHING, think of your display as a sterile environment. You work so hard to keep it disease free, do you realy want to risk anything? Think of the consequences. Trust me, your QT tank will become your new best friend. The last fish I got came from a personal friend's store. I saw the fish grab all food he could, the fish he was in with looked excellent. No disrespect to my friend, (I think he would have thought less of me if I didn't) I kept him in QT for well over a month and he never showed one single spot of anything or any signs of stress. I also don't have one parasite in my DT! Please be cautious and preserve your beautiful DT by quarantining all new purchases!
I feel like you are preaching to the choir, unless the only part of that message for me was the "you don't have to hypo all fish" part. And I agree, I don't put meds in my QT for the very reason I will have coral in there some day. Lowering the salinity to 1.009 is effective enough to kill the ich, without harming the fish at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You do not have to hypo all fish. Do not add any meds to your qt or it will be unsafe for inverts. QT EVERYTHING, think of your display as a sterile environment. You work so hard to keep it disease free, do you realy want to risk anything? Think of the consequences. Trust me, your QT tank will become your new best friend. The last fish I got came from a personal friend's store. I saw the fish grab all food he could, the fish he was in with looked excellent. No disrespect to my friend, (I think he would have thought less of me if I didn't) I kept him in QT for well over a month and he never showed one single spot of anything or any signs of stress. I also don't have one parasite in my DT! Please be cautious and preserve your beautiful DT by quarantining all new purchases!
I could not agree more. Like I said and I know you will agree Sep, the better one's quarantining practices are, the more responsible they are and the better one's experience will be in this hobby. :happyfish :joy: