Beth/Terry? Question on Ich


Ok. As you know, I completed hypo last wednesday (~9 days ago) 13 days since going back over 1.010
I've added nothing at all to my system that wasn't in either the hypo or the fishless system. I was ichless (no sign of ich) for 31 days and total hypo/fishless for 37 days.
So, here is the question/concern: My regal appears to have something resembling ich on his side. 2 spots, maybe 3. The third might just be a piece of sand, doesn't look too much like ich.
1st - Is there anything can ressemble ich?
2nd - What are the chances that any Ich would remain in the system?
I used both a refractometer (standardized/calibrated) and a digital hydrometer. Both read 1.009 throughout the treatment. And again, absolutely nothing was added since restoring the system, or for that matter, while the treatment was being conducted.
Any input would be helpful. Obviously, i'll keep an eye on it. Also, obviously, I am concerned as it was a long 39 days in hypo, and I do not look forward to doing it again if necessary. I leave fairly soon to go to sea (navy) and, if there is anything you can think of that might explain it or if there is anything that could be mistaken for ich (if this might be it) then i'd appreciate the reassurance.


Staff member
Is the fish still in QT? Can you get a pic of the fish with the spots?


Not in QT now. They are all together in tank. The white spots are so small, and he moves around so often, I can't get a picture of it. It's way too small to get a picture of, even if he would stay still; my camera can't get a macro shot.
In case it matters, parameters are amm/trite/trate/phos= 0/0/0/0
I guess it could be some small spot he got stuck with by the other tang. When they first got together in the tank, the were skirmishing, now it has ceased, but maybe it is just the wound? It does protrude a little. Thought maybe it could be a small bacterial infection or fungus where it has occured?
Just some thoughts. I just can't think of where else it would be from. Unless the ich survived the hypo and fishlesness..
I'll keep an eye on it. Any ideas are welcome and always appreciated.


Staff member
Perhaps some tissue damage from the ich itself. Keep an eye out to see if more develops.


I definitely will. You can imagine that I wouldn't be too excited to find out that I did all that work just to have it happen again... ...


If I can get a good shot, I'll post it. I haven't had any luck though. So far, any pics just look like a picture of a fish... :)
No detail of the 3 bumps.
But, it does look like they are slightly less pronounced, and no more, no less. No other fish have anything and none are scrathing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. It just looked really really close to ich. Now that it is less pronounced, however, it resembles it less, but I'll be watching it.


Ok, well, the spots have been gone for a few days now. He wasn't scratching when those spots were there, but now he is. It looks like he's scratching his dorsal on only his left side. Can't see anything there except for a whitish streak that looks like it may be a scratch from scraping. It only is on the area of bone that extends up into the dorsal. But definitely no spots. Are there any other reasons that a fish might scrape? I have seen no other ich-like signs since those 3 spots on the regal tang. He is also the only one scratching. I definitely can't get a pic of the right 'scraped' looking area, it is very low contrast spot, and again, I can't get good macro shots with this camera unless they are well-defined.
Hope you have some suggestions. Thanks again.


That might be the best course of action. The fish has no open wounds. but develops a white area (looks as if the color has been scratched away) near the dorsal. It comes and goes, but now is currently a little worse than it was. There are no spots other than this white area. It does not look ichish, or even protrude. It it simply an area where it looks like skin has been scraped. This same appearance also is seen on the tips of the bones on his dorsals (small white patches on each tip near the trailing edge) I'm including the best picture(s) I could get. Like I said earlier, I have no macro feature and the color is all washed out between the bright lights and the camera (i've tried several settings)
Thanks again,


He was just out of the shot there. But if you looktowards the center of the photo (near the center of the dorsal) you will see a whitish area. Sorry it isn't any clearer. Here is another.


Although these are not the best pictures, please advise on best course of action. If you still feel that formalin dips are in order, I am open to that solution; I will just allow you to view the small bit of info I can provide and ensure that the best path is taken.
Again, very appreciative of your input.


Staff member
What about HLLE? Though its not around the head, I've seen HLLE hit tangs in this area as well. HLLE can also bec caused by parasites.


So do you agree, with the information provided, that a series of formalin baths would be the most conservative/realistic approach to this.