Originally Posted by Beth
What filters and circulation do you have going in your tank? Do you have a skimmer?
That picture with the shrimp cleaning is priceless. From the jaws of death. It reminds of pictures of crocs who hold their own babies in their mouth.
That is a great pic, will my cleaner Wrasse do that?
I have a built in skimmer in the sump system and 3 RIO 800's 2 for circulation and one for the UV light return. I also added the air line on one of the Rio's to add oxygen to the tank, the tank has great circulation on the surface. I have one Rio placed just under the return from the sump (on left side) the other is about 8 in. from the botom of the tank in an elongated direction towards the bottom of the tank (on lright side). The UV return is just above that Rio (on right side).
Left side Right Side
Sump return UV return (top)
Rio 800 (top in direction as sump ret.) Rio 800 (bottom aiming down)
I hope I have covered everything, I did a 20g water change today, I tested the water yesterday and all was well, I haven't done one in a few weks.
I fed the Tesse this morning and he did fine, was I possibly feeding him to often?
What is a good diet for him, I want to mix things up for him, giving him a balance, he lives with a CLEANER WRASSE, HARLEQUIN, CLARKI CLOWN.