Beth's opinion on...


Beth, what is your opinion regarding UV sterilizers and their effect on reefs/FOWLR/etc...
I'm thinking of one on my new system that I'll be setting up soon...


Staff member
I did use a UV on my FO tank with good results, however, I don't really think that the UV should be used on reef tanks. UV indiscriminately kills off benefical microbes--good or bad. And this is something you definately do not want to happen in a tank where most of your animals are corals filter-feeding.
Don't count on a UV being a substitute for a QT. It is not going to cure ich. And for the price of a good UV you can setup a nice QT.


Oh, I'm not replacing the QT with the UV. I was wondering what you thought about it. For the record, I have seen many thriving reef tanks WITH UV sterilizers, but I can see how it could also wipe out the good stuff like you mentioned. I'm assuming for a FOWLR tank it's probably a good choice...


Staff member
I believe for FO it is a good choice, a lot of knowledgabe hobbyists will say otherwise, but others will say it is good. It is one of those "debatable" topics in the hobby.
For FO, you can't go wrong. If you get one, be sure that it has a quartz sleve so you don't have bulb exchange hassles. Change out every 6 mos, not like the manufacture says [which is usually annually].