Better Filtration



I am going to buy a 100 to 140 gal tank and im trying to get things in paper :thinking:
This was until i stumbled into a prob. :scared:
what type of filtration would be better a sump/fuge
a wet/dry

are they the same?

which one would be better of in a 100+ tankA stupid question is one that is never asked
i also read something about the bio balls
some where in this site there were post of adding bio balls to one of the above was not a good idea for the filtration is this true
any help on either question will help

I forgot to add) for the mean time i will be having FOWLR latter on i will think about adding corrals
which way is better if i wanted to add corals in the future
sooner or later every body does
If I were you I would read up. There are alot of previous posts on this subject with good information. However, it depends on what kind of tank you want. FOWLR, fish only, Reef? Wet/dry is definetly the easiest and you can still have a protien skimmer. I had a wet/dry for a while with bio balls and had no problems. They do hold nitrates though if you do not clean them now and again. (and don't clean them all at once either). There are many pieces of literature on this subject online. I would suggest reading and figuring out what you want and what you are capable of doing. Hope that helps.

keith burn

Active Member
imo if it will be a reef, sump and fuge with a skimmer.
but start with a sump that has a fuge in it.can add a skimmer after 4 to 6m
and as for b/b i say not with a reef but is ok with a fish only tank



Originally Posted by keith burn
imo if it will be a reef, sump and fuge with a skimmer.
but start with a sump that has a fuge in it.can add a skimmer after 4 to 6m
and as for b/b i say not with a reef but is ok with a fish only tank
I found useful info on a other thread
quoted from Squidd
A "sump" is just a collection chamber with a return pump...
A "Wet/ Dry" is a type of biological filtration that uses bio-balls or some type of media for bacterial growth, and then water flows to "sump" portion to be pumped back to tank...
A "Fuge" (or refugium or algal scrubber) has your basic plants, macros, or pod production chamber and then it also flows water to a "sump" (collection chamber) to be pumped back to tank...
With adaquate Live Rock in tank, no other biological media should be neccessary, so the W/D is not needed...using the "extra" chamber of a sump for fuge like properties opens up new filtration/production venues..again, what is the "goal" of your fuge..?

Ive decided to go with keith burn's idea the sump/fuge

but i will have fowlr for the mean time say 6-12 months
would it be a good idea to get the bio balls or is it ok without the bioballs

keith burn

Active Member
Ive decided to go with keith burn's idea the sump/fuge

but i will have fowlr for the mean time say 6-12 months
would it be a good idea to get the bio balls or is it ok without the bioballs
well thanks
with about 1.5/2.0lbs per gal it will be good 6/8m
i do not rec a skimmer intell after 2m
but with only a little lr and a lot of fish it will help keep it stable.
the b/b will hold back good lr in a new tank.
imo 1/2 in 1/2 the more lr the less b/b
intell you get to about the 2.0lbs per gal mark them no b/b at all.