BEWARE Snails with snouts


After several nights of "spying" on my tank at night, I have discovered several snails that have a long snout that sticks out the front of his head. I looked it up on-line and it says its carnivorous. I'm not sure if they eat other snails or what but several of my "many" blue leg crabs have been dismantled. I removed 3 of these snails and the last week I have seen no more crab fatalities. Anyone else had similar problems?? Thanks, Don


Active Member
Never had that problem but good post because many people are not aware that there are carnivorous snails that can be picked up in live rock.


I have a couple of these snails in my tank. I haven't noticed any problems with them.
Mine are about 1/2" long. about 1/8" wide. Their shells are with with blank stripes. None on mine are getting that large.
None of my carnivorous critters are eating them. I have a green serpant star, a red serpant star, 2 sally's, and 5 zebra legged hermits.
I have not seen them go after anyone. They seem to be too slow to catch anything. Even my turbo snails are faster (gotta catch that fast algea..) (sorry couldn't resist)..


If you're dealing with cone shells here, then it's probably best not to touch them at all as some speices can kill humans. THe geographer cone is the most dangerous, however there are some other dangerous speices capable of doing considerable harm. The dangerous ones are usually fairly large, often 10cm or so long, but their smaller relatives are definitely unwanted guests in your reef.


Hey Fishhead, I found it at an invet. catalogue site. Just type in search for inverts and scroll thru the sites. If I find the exact site again I'll let you know. Don