BF has 2 large spots on body... Help


Ive had my new butterfly and bi-color angel in a 20 qt for 2 weeks. Today I notice that my BF has 2 large white dots. One on her right fin and the other on the top back fin near her tail.
I think I may off been over feeding the live black worms and brine shrimp and I haven't done a water change in a couple of days. Today it got really hot (85 degrees) and I now have the AC running.
The bi-color has no spots at all and both are eating well. The butterfly seems to be healthy otherwise. I did a 20% water change and plan on doing another one tomorrow.
I definiatly do not think it is inch b/c there are not spots anywhere else on either fishes and the spots are really big.
Could it be lymphocyctis and if so, do i have to continue doing water changes on a regular basis to get rid of it?
Does this mean I have to extend the length of time for the BF in the qt tank? I would like to move both of them together (when the time comes) into the main tank as they have become friends.
Thanks for any help/suggestions.


Active Member
It could be lymphocystis. You can hope for that as that will usually get better without treatment.
It is possible that it is the beginning of another disease (like ich). If that is the case, the fish will get worse.
I suggest that you continue to watch the fish closely, keep a close eye on the water quality, and keep us posted. You should also plan on extending the QT period for at least another 2-3 weeks. You don't want to risk something bad being introduced into your main tank.


Thanks for the help and suggestions. I plan on doing another water change tonight after I feed them a little. The BF is a double saddle back and she is really eating well. She eats everything I put in the tank.
The reason why I think it's not ick is b/c the white spots are so big that I noticed it right away. There are no other spots on either fishes so I ruled out ick and looked into the lymph, however the spot does not look like a cauliflower either. I tried taking some picture but she swims so fast that I couldn't get it.
I hope she pulls through. I have never had a sick fish so I'm really worried. The bi-color just follows her around and I don't think she wants to be bothered.
Do these spot, itch or hurt?. I will continue to monitor her and I plan on taking test of the water when I get home. I will also change the filter pad again and try to keep the water quality as best as possible.


Staff member
There is a picture of lymph in the Diseased Fish sticky at the top of the fourm. Take a look to see if it is similiar to that.