Bi-color Angel Problem

mr. jaws

New Member
I have heard that these are reef safe, but have read they are not? what is the take on this? and what has been your experience with this Angel, want to buy one?


Active Member
Mr. Jaws; Bi-color is considered with caution reef safe why because they may nip at large-polyped stoney corals, and clam mantles. Also, they may eat soft coral polyps. That said I am not sure I would gamble I would get one that didn't have those traits. Normal diet is, Meat foods, and plenty of greenstuff. Grazer. Must have hiding places to feel comfortable. Also, they are susceptible to disease and you must use copper on them with care. All in all a BIG gamble.


I love mine. He is a beautiful fish. I was told to never put any bubble coral in with any angel. The rest are up to each individual fish's appetite. I hve mostly anenomes, leather, and going to add some button polyps. He has not bothered any of these. Good Luck.